Get Your Green Card and Citizenship

Visa-Visa Delay Litigation

The Immigration Process Can Be Confusing and Overwhelming

Complex Paperwork

Changing Laws

Arbitrary Interviews

Uncertain Timelines

Who We Are

At Koloko Immigration, we believe that you deserve a competent and dedicated representation

You don’t have to wait, Your American Dream is within reach

Solution Driven

We review your case

During a 15-minute intake call with a dedicated member of our team, we’ll assess your situation to ensure we can offer assistance. If you qualify and we are confident in our ability to help, we’ll schedule your strategy session. You deserve top-notch immigration lawyers in your corner!

Let’s strategize

Participate in a 30-minute strategy session where we delve into your story and case details. We’ll present your options and outline the strategy we’ll employ on your behalf. This session offers clarity on our fees, and you’ll have the opportunity to sign a representation agreement.

We are taking action

With the best immigration attorneys on your side, you can be confident that your case is in capable hands, moving forward with efficiency and expertise.

Why Choose Us?

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